- Walter Spalding, "Music as a Necessary Part of the Soldier's Equipment," The Outlook (June 5, 1918)
- Fullerton Waldo, “Music and the War,” The Outlook (19 January 1916)
- Christina Gier (2008) “Gender, Politics, and the Fighting Soldier's Song in America during World War I,” Music and Politics
- Carol Burke (1989) “Marching to Vietnam,” Journal of American Folklore
- “Over There,” “Good-bye Broadway,” and “Joan of Arc” (all available as links on p. 8 of Gier article)
*Artifact posting may be on one of the Outlook articles, or on one of the songs
NOTE: If you do not read music and/or are unfamiliar with some of the musical terminology in the Gier article, do not worry--just do the best you can and try to figure out what the overarching points are of those paragraphs.