**Film Screening Wed, March 2, 8PM, Lilly Library Room 103: This Is Spinal Tap (1984)**
(If you can't make the screening, you can check out one of their VHS copies)
You'll have until Thursday at noon to post for this one.
--Carl Plantinga (1998) “Gender, Power, and a Cucumber: Satirizing Masculinity in This Is Spinal Tap,”
Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video, ed. Barry Keith Grant and Jeannette Sloniowski
--The artifact for the posting in this case is the movie.
Also, I double-checked my 1970s body language books for the seated "male" pose we discussed, and yikes! A few examples below:


Apparently, in the 1970s U.S., women manifested negative evaluation this way: