Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
April 26--LAST CLASS, Class presentations part II
Same assignment as last time--watch the videos included on this GoogleDoc, post a question (or 2) on one or more of them, no artifact discussion.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
April 21--Class Presentations Part I
To see the videos for Day 1 of Class Presentations, go here:
For posting: one or 2 questions about one of the videos, or about the videos as a whole. (No artifact posting)
For posting: one or 2 questions about one of the videos, or about the videos as a whole. (No artifact posting)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
April 19--Falsetto Men
- Alice Echols (2010) “The Homo Superiors: Disco and the Rise of Gay Macho,” Hot Stuff: Disco and the Remaking of American Culture
- Tracks by Sylvester and Disco Tex & His Sexolettes on Blackboard
- Sylvester "You Make Me Feel" video above
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
April 14--The Boy Band Boy
Hawkins, Stan. “[Un]Justified: Gestures of Straight-Talk in Justin Timberlake’s Songs.” In Oh Boy! Masculinities and Popular Music, edited by Freya Jarman-Ivens, 197-212. New York: Routledge, 2007.
- Justin Timberlake: "Rock Your Body," "Cry Me A River," "Right for Me," "Never Again" (tracks available in Blackboard)
- (optional) Timberlake & Beyonce: "Single Ladies"
Thursday, April 7, 2011
April 12-Guest: Dr. Mark Anthony Neal
*Note: You only need to do a question for this post. Also, a reminder that, as of 4/7, papers are now due **Wed, Apr 13 11:59PM**
Viewing (optional):
- Neal talking about Michael Jackson's legacy in video above. It is long (around 50 min) but fascinating. He talks specifically about MJ & masculinity at 25:20.
- Neal (2003) "Diggin' the Scene (With the Gangsta Lean)," from Songs in the Key of Black Life: A Rhythm and Blues Nation
- Neal (2001) “Another Man Is Beating My Time: Gender and Sexuality in Rhythm and Blues,” from American Popular Music: New Approaches to the Twentieth Century
- Bilal Sayeed Oliver "Soul Sista," "Fast Lane," "For You"
- Curtis Mayfield, "Freddie's Dead"
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
April 7--MJ!!!
- Cynthia Fuchs (1995) “Michael Jackson’s Penis,” from Cruising the Performative: Interventions into the Representation of Ethnicity, Nationality and Sexuality, ed. by Sue-Ellen Case, Philip Brett, and Susan Leigh Foster
- MJ, "In the Closet," "Beat It," "Thriller"
Thursday, March 31, 2011
April 5--Guest Speaker: Dr. Jeremy Smith, Duke Jazz Archivist
*For this class, you are only required to post a question.*
3 Short Readings on Blackboard:
3 Short Readings on Blackboard:
- Amiri Baraka, "Black Woman," from Raise, Race, Rays, Raze: Essays Since 1965
- Amiri Baraka, "Jim Brown on the Screen," from Spirit Reach
- Pearl Cleage, "Mad at Miles," from The Miles Davis Companion
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
March 31-Female Masculinity
- Shana Goldin-Perschbacher (2008) “’The World Has Made Me the Man of My Dreams’” Meshell NdegéOcello and Black Female Masculinity,” from Sexuality, Listening, and Intimacy: Gender Transgression in Popular Music, 1993-2008, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Virginia
- MeShell NdegéOcello "Boyfriend" and "Pocketbook" videos above
- NdegéOcello tracks on Blackboard
Posting can be on one or both of videos, or one or more of the audio tracks.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
March 29--Kinging
- Francesca Britain (2006) “Women Who ‘Do Elvis’: Authenticity, Masculinity, and Masquerade,” Popular Music & Society
- Diane Torr (2010) “Man for a Day: A Do-It-Yourself Guide,” from Sex Drag, and Male Roles: Investigating Gender as Performance
- Youtube viewing/listening: The Mighty Slim Pickins, “Thirteen Times” and “Stray Cats”; Janny James, "Hound Dog"
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
March 24--Kurt Cobain cont'd
Note that this is a change from the syllabus.
- Jan Muto (1995) "He Was The Woman Of His Dreams: Identity, Gender, and Kurt Cobain," Popular Music & Society 19(2)
- Both versions of video "In Bloom" posted above (from 1991 album Nevermind)
- Optional viewing: Alternate "all dress" version of "In Bloom" below
Artifact for posting:
- "In Bloom" music video or "Dive" live performance, both posted above
Thursday, March 17, 2011
March 22--Kurt Cobain
- Simon Frith (1994) “The Voice,” from Performing Rites
- Kurt Cobain, excerpts from Journals
- Nirvana tracks on Blackboard, (also, video above gives a sense of Cobain's emotional range)
- Cobain's Journals excerpts
For Class Discussion:
- How can Frith's article be used to understand Cobain's writings, lyrics, singing and performance style?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
March 17--The Crooner Part II (Jeff Buckley)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
March 15-- The Crooner, Part I (Rudy Vallee)
- Allison McCracken (2001) “Real Men Don’t Sing Ballads: The Radio Crooner in Hollywood, 1929-1933,” from Soundtrack Available: Essays on Film and Popular Music, ed. Pamela Robertson Wojcik and Arthur Knight
- "Singing Teachers Condemn Crooning," New York Times, 23 February 1932, p 19
- "Full-Voiced Singers Encroach on Popularity of the Crooners," New York Times, 1 May 1932, p. X10
- Rudy Vallee, “Would You Like to Take a Walk,” “Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries,” "I Love the Moon"
- Bing Crosby “I Surrender Dear”
Artifact posting is on either:
- one of the New York Times articles-----or
- comparison of Vallee's and Crosby's singing voice (based on the Blackboard tracks)
NOTE: If your comment doesn't show up right away, don't worry--it just means I have to take it out of the spam folder.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
March 3-The Cockrocker Part II
**Film Screening Wed, March 2, 8PM, Lilly Library Room 103: This Is Spinal Tap (1984)**
(If you can't make the screening, you can check out one of their VHS copies)
You'll have until Thursday at noon to post for this one.
--Carl Plantinga (1998) “Gender, Power, and a Cucumber: Satirizing Masculinity in This Is Spinal Tap,” Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video, ed. Barry Keith Grant and Jeannette Sloniowski
--The artifact for the posting in this case is the movie.
Also, I double-checked my 1970s body language books for the seated "male" pose we discussed, and yikes! A few examples below:


Apparently, in the 1970s U.S., women manifested negative evaluation this way:
(If you can't make the screening, you can check out one of their VHS copies)
You'll have until Thursday at noon to post for this one.
--Carl Plantinga (1998) “Gender, Power, and a Cucumber: Satirizing Masculinity in This Is Spinal Tap,” Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video, ed. Barry Keith Grant and Jeannette Sloniowski
--The artifact for the posting in this case is the movie.
Also, I double-checked my 1970s body language books for the seated "male" pose we discussed, and yikes! A few examples below:


Apparently, in the 1970s U.S., women manifested negative evaluation this way:

Thursday, February 24, 2011
March 1 - The Cockrocker
- Sheila Whiteley (1997) “Little Red Rooster v. the Honky Tonk Woman: Mick Jagger, Sexuality, Style and Image,” from Sexing the Groove
- Rolling Stones, “Cocksucker Blues” (available as youtube recording above)
- Steve Waksman (1996) “’Every Inch of My Love: Led Zeppelin and the Problem of Cock Rock,” Journal of Popular Music Studies
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Feb 24-Hipsters cont'd & Cockrockers
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Feb 22-The Hipster

NOTE: For this week, post discussion questions, but no artifact postings (to give you more time to work on papers)
- Ingrid Monson (2003) “The Problem with White Hipness: Race, Gender, and Cultural Conceptions,” Journal of the American Musicological Society
- Barbara Ehrenreich (1983) "The Beat Rebellion: Beyond Work and Marriage," The Hearts of Men: American Dreams and the Flight from Commitment
- Mark Greif, "What Was the Hipster?," New York Magazine, 24 October 2010
- Hipster music of your choice (using your personal definition of hipster)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Feb 17-Jimi Hendrix Part II
- Maureen Mahon (2004) “Jimi Hendrix Experiences,” from Right to Rock: The Black Rock Coalition and the Cultural Politics of Race
*Note: The BRC that Mahon mentions in the chapter refers to the Black Rock Coalition, a non-profit organization supporting black musicians working in rock genres. See link on the right hand site of this post under "Useful Links."
- Jimi Hendrix, “If 6 Was 9”
- Living Colour, "Elvis Is Dead"
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Feb 15-Jimi Hendrix
- Steve Waksman (1999) “Black Sound, Black Body: Jimi Hendrix, the Electric Guitar and the Meanings of Blackness,” Popular Music and Society. Focus especially on second half of article.
- Jimi Hendrix tracks, “Star-Spangled Banner” (Woodstock version); "Voodoo Child (Slight Return);" or any others posted on Blackboard
- The "Voodoo Chile" track that Waksman mentions is the video above
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Feb 10-Elvis, Post-Army
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Feb 8-The Teen Idol (Beatlemania)

- Norma Coates (2007) “Teenyboppers, Groupies, and Other Grotesques: Girls and Women and Rock Culture in the 1960s and early 1970s,” Journal of Popular Music Studies
- Barbara Ehrenreich, Elizabeth Hess, Gloria Jacobs (1991) “Beatlemania: Girls Just Want to Have Fun,” The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media, ed. Lisa A. Lewis
- David Dempsey (1964) “Why the Girls Scream, Weep, Flip,” New York Times, 23 February 1964, SM15
- Videos of Beatles fans, listed to the right of this post, under "Period Film Clips" (these are the artifacts for the posting)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Feb 3 - Elvis Part II
- David R. Shumway (1997) “Watching Elvis: The Male Rock Star as Object of the Gaze,” The Other Fifties: Interrogating Midcentury American Icons
- Sue Wise (1984) "Sexing Elvis," Women's Studies International Forum
- "Hound Dog," versions by Elvis Presley and Big Mama Thornton
- Compare the Presley & Thornton recordings. (Don't worry so much about connecting the recordings to the readings for this one) There is a video of Thornton performing the song above, but I'd prefer you listened to the version posted on Blackboard (which is of higher recording quality). I'd especially recommend that you listen with headphones in a quiet room.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Feb 1 - Elvis, Part I
Artifact for posting:
- Karal Ann Marling (1994) “When Elvis Cut his Hair: The Meaning of Mobility,” As Seen on TV: The Visual Culture of Everyday Life in the 1950s”
Artifact for posting:
- One of the videos below. (Disregard what syllabus says about listening/posting)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Jan 27- The Soldier, Part II
USMC advertisement--heavy metal soundtrack starts at around 0:40
- Jonathan Pieslak (2009) “Music as an Inspiration for Combat,” and “Metal and Rap Ideologies in the Iraq War,” from Sound Targets: American Soldiers and Music in the Iraq War
Listening (all available on Blackboard):
- Eminem, “Go to Sleep”
- Drowning Pool, “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor”
- Bloodhound Gang “The Roof Is on Fire”
- Metallica, “The Four Horsemen,” “Seek and Destroy,” “One”
- Slayer, “Bloodline”
- Listen to clips from Pieslak's interviews with soldiers about the use of music in the war: http://jon.pieslak.com/asom/
Thursday, January 20, 2011
January 25-The Soldier, Part I

- Walter Spalding, "Music as a Necessary Part of the Soldier's Equipment," The Outlook (June 5, 1918)
- Fullerton Waldo, “Music and the War,” The Outlook (19 January 1916)
- Christina Gier (2008) “Gender, Politics, and the Fighting Soldier's Song in America during World War I,” Music and Politics
- Carol Burke (1989) “Marching to Vietnam,” Journal of American Folklore
- “Over There,” “Good-bye Broadway,” and “Joan of Arc” (all available as links on p. 8 of Gier article)
*Artifact posting may be on one of the Outlook articles, or on one of the songs
NOTE: If you do not read music and/or are unfamiliar with some of the musical terminology in the Gier article, do not worry--just do the best you can and try to figure out what the overarching points are of those paragraphs.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Jan 20-Space Age Pop & Exotica (Bachelors, Husbands & Playboys II)

- Shuhei Hosokawa (1999) “Martin Denny and the Development of Musical Exotica,” from Widening the Horizon: Exoticism in Post-War Popular Music
- Barbara Ehrenreich (1983) “Breadwinners and Losers: Sanctions Against Male Deviance” and “Playboy Joins the Battle of the Sexes,” from The Hearts of Men: American Dreams and the Flight from Commitment
- Tracks by Juan García Esquivel, Martin Denny available on Blackboard
NOTE: If your comment doesn't immediately show up after you click post & type in the word verification, do not worry. All posts get emailed to me regardless of whether they show up in the "comments" field.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
January 18-Bachelors, Husbands & Playboys, Part I
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